from reconstruction
from the destruction
but with instruction
about construction..
Here+Now… is where we are…
Our Story
On the banks of the Macal River in Belize, ArtZmosphere has served as a vital, creative resource for the community since 2017. A versatile hub for theatre, music, and spoken word performances and art exhibits, ArtZmosphere has also been a welcoming space for community gatherings.
ArtZmosphere’s mission is to produce creative art projects and support artists who have “son’ting fuh seh” (something to say). ArtZmosphere encourages the creation and sharing of creative work that addresses climate change, poverty, infrastructure development, deforestation, international gentrification, and it offers outlets for a challenged generation of artists in Belize and communities around the globe.
Much of the local economy in the town of San Ignacio, which surrounds our home base, depends on eco-tourism which tends to box-in culture with its focus on traditional craftsmanship. Our focus on facilitating and presenting new, cutting edge work addressing contemporary issues at ArtZmosphere – encourages artists who need to express themselves in more exploratory, experimental, and self-determined ways.
da Journey
Following the isolation and resulting economic challenges that many of us felt during the pandemic, creatives in the community find themselves longing to gather again to share in creative experiences. Miraculously, ArtZmosphere still exists. The building’s owner graciously reduced the rent during the lockdowns and now, with a renewed determination to wake the place up, we are doubling our efforts to build a truly solid foundation.
Belize is at a critical stage in its history, as one of the spots on our planet that is particularly vulnerable to the effects of a changing climate, increased pollution, and capitalist market forces. In encouraging and facilitating creative work that reveals and addresses these challenges, Artzmosphere serves as an incubator for progressive, all inclusive, alternative thought and action.
An example of past work at ArtZmosphere that exemplifies this ideal, includes having held the first openly marketed Pride event; and that party hasn’t stopped! We also produced an innovative theatrical piece: a Kriol translated, steampunked adaptation of The Lorax (by Dr. Seus), for the sake of our youth, for the sake of the trees, and for the sake of art itself.
Our Gang… we are all Artists

Miriam Antoinette
For The Children, BZ

Fernandoo Ortega

Donaldine Ysaguirre
Double Duce BZ Tours

Jon Ottley